The Library is up and Running!

I have been steadily adding to the works in the Library over the last few weeks. There are currently about 80 works available to peruse and download and more are being added daily. As far as I’m aware, all texts are in the public domain – let me know if I’ve got any wrong! Texts…

The Young Mason’s Catechism

Just uploaded to the Podcasts page, the Young Mason’s Catechism is a light-hearted look at the ‘real’ meaning behind the Entered Apprentice degree! Published in 1929, I can promise that you’ll never look at Hiram Abif in the same way again.

The William Harvey Collection

William Harvey, J.P., F.S.A. Scot (1874 to 1936) wrote a number of short pamphlets and lectures in the first decades of the Twentieth Century. Copies of these can still be found in the libraries of Lodges across the world. Topics range from reflections on Lodge matters to comic poems on a Masonic theme. We have…