The Kabbalah and Freemasonry

This video is part one of W.Bro. Rev. J.N. Cleland’s magisterial and accessible survey of this arcane and complex topic. Stand by for part two next week! If you have content that you’d like to add to the archive, join the From the Quarries Community to submit your content. Go to for more information…

“The coalescence of a number of parallel channels”

Good evening Quarrymen This weekend, by popular demand … a semi-sequel to the Kabbalism video from 2 weeks ago. This excellent paper collates a lot of the themes that we’ve been exploring over the last few months. It’s quite a long and complex work, so it’ll take a while to pull together. Coming on Saturday…

Three Grand Columns

This anonymous work looks at the significance of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty to the true Freemason. If you have content that you’d like to add to the archive, join the From the Quarries Community to submit your content. Go to for more information Also don’t forget to visit the From the Quarries Affiliate Marketplace…

All Masons are taught of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty

Good evening Quarrymen After spending last week exploring the aery mysteries of the Kabbalah, lets head back to the safe, comfortable world of the Craft and talk about some columns … hang on a second … Three Columns? Where have I heard that before?? Coming this Saturday:

Help me create a new script!

This is an invitation for you to join in the creative process by sharing your thoughts and theories. For quite a while I’ve been working on a concept looking at the emergence of speculative masonry in the 17th century. I’ve got a few ideas of my own, but I’m really keen to learn from the…


This video is a chapter from the 1927 book ‘Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch’ by F. de P. Castells. It is a very light and brief introduction to the significance of Kabbalism in the Masonic tradition. There is much, much more to be said! If you have content that you’d like to add to…

“The Parent of Freemasonry”

“The suggestion has been made that Kabbalism is the parent of Freemasonry; but can that claim be substantiated?” (F. de P. Castells – Antiquity of the Holy Royal Arch, 1927) Coming this Saturday …

The Masonic Witch Hunt of the 1980s

This video is a review of the book ‘The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons‘ by Stephen Knight, was written by Thomas E. Weir. In it he first describes and then debunks the claims made in the book, which did so much to damage and attack the reputation of the Craft during the decade….