Two Reflections on the Royal Ark Mariner Degree

A new Video! A compilation of two short presentations given in 1969 on the RAM. One is by A.J.M Stoney and the other by O.A.C Davies. Both were presented to the Queensland Chapter of Research, No. 100. While both address the same topic, I think the difference in approaches is instructive.

Of Order in Architecture

This video is an extract from William Shaver’s Masonic Monitor of 1907, which is itself based upon Webb’s ‘Freemason’s Monitor’ of 1816. It gives an overview of the features of the 5 Orders of Architecture with a particular focus on our old friends, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.

The Landmarks of Freemasonry

A new Video! A commentary on and analysis of the 25 “ancient, universal and immutable” landmarks published by Albert Mackey in the American Quarterly Review of Freemasonry in 1858. Although clearly dated, error strewn and contentious to the modern reader, Mackey’s “landmarks” form a fascinating side-road in the histoy of the Craft. The paper “The…