
Good evening Quarrymen, This weekend on YouTube, the runner-up in our recent video poll. See you then.


A short video of a script by Christopher A. Harris, MPS FGCR, unpacking and exploring the meaning of ‘Charity’ as it relates to the Masonic experience.

Love, Charity, Charitably, Brotherly Love, Affection, Good Will, Benevolence.

Good evening Quarrymen, “We hear the word “Charity” throughout our entire Masonic experience. Everywhere from our introduction as Entered Apprentices to our stated communications when talking about brothers, their families, and those in our localities that need assistance. How many of us truly understand the impact of what this simple word means?” Coming to YouTube…

Two Pillars

This anonymous work from 1935 looks at the two brazen pillars at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple and how they represent one of the most enigmatic symbols in Freemasonry, surrounded by a rich tapestry of historical and mythical interpretations. These pillars, often confused with ancient stone pillars mentioned in old Masonic manuscripts, embody a…

Misunderstood Symbols

Good evening Quarrymen, This weekend on YouTube … “Few references in Freemasonry are less understood than the two brazen pillars in the porch of King Solomon’s Temple. Probably a greater mass of misinformation exists regarding these than any other symbol in the Craft”.

The Belief in a Supreme Being (Part 2)

Part two of the paper by Harvey Lovewell, presented at the ANZMRC Conference in Dunedin in 2022, exploring the requirement of belief in a Supreme Being for Masonic membership. It delves into historical and contemporary perspectives on this belief, examining its implications within Freemasonry’s constitution and practices. The paper challenges traditional views, suggesting a re-evaluation…